Friday, September 7, 2007

Today's encounter with Arizona DPS

Today, as I was driving M to his home-school program (with Busy and Z in the car) I noticed a Highway Patrol behind me. He followed us from 1 freeway, to the next- then waited an exit to turn on his lights. I was really a little confused- but I pulled over (scary on a Phoenix freeway during rush hour). The officer approached- and said I had blown past him at 75MPH at Country Club- and it had taken him this long to catch up (not my speed, but traffic caused his delay). He then mentioned he saw that motorcycle driver cut me off back there. So- after the obligatory license and registration check- he gave me a warning and let me go. Several things were funny- first you'll see how far that was on the map. Second- why didn't he pull the crazy motorcycle over that was going between cars and cutting people off?? Who knows- but he was very polite, and did not give me the ticket I deserved. Also...ever wonder why they ask you where you are headed? Uh- I was going to drop off the illegal immigrants in the trunk before going back to my secret drug lab...or not ;)


BusyMommy said...

What was funny was Z yelling that he wanted a ticket and when you said he didn't want one, that they were bad, he yelled, "Well, I want a penny!" I mean, what was that all about??? And I thought our officer was very nice and I'm pretty sure he didn't give you a ticket because you cried. Way to use your femminine whiles, you stallion you!

chelleybutton said...

you guys are too funny... that does look like a long way on the map (weird!) I've never been stopped and NOT given a ticket :(, so you guys are lucky -- good thing Z handled the situation so well. ;)

chelleybutton said...

oh, 1 more thing: I like how your post title says "TODAY's encounter..." -- it makes it sound like you get stopped on a regular basis, and this is what happened on today's encounter ;)

BusyMommy said...

He does get stopped on a regular basis;P

Chris G said...

I could blog about 20 pages on the times I've been stopped...hmm.

hobbitsister said...

i love to see our tax dollars at work...