Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Why 4AM is too early to get up.

First- there is not sun...even in the Great American Southwest. Second- children's toys- such as dinosaurs...ouch. Third- your brain isn't in gear just yet. For example- I just opened my lunch bag to realize I packed: Yogurt, Oatmeal...so far so good.. and for lunch- a 16oz can of pineapple.


BusyMommy said...

Enjoy your pineapple!

hobbitsister said...

i like pineapple

chelleybutton said...

me too, and they say you can never have too much ;) ...I'm sure melilot would agree with you about getting up that early -- I don't know if I ever have! But even when I get up at 6ish, I'm still so tired that I keep running into door frames and dropping my toothpaste lid (repeatedly)...