Monday, September 3, 2007

Silly, pointless, but very funny TV shows.

It may come from being alive, and the right age, to watch the first Simpsons cartoon ever. It may be that I'm just a little weird- the jury is still out on that one. For some reason, though, these crazy, often wildly inappropriate, shows make me laugh. The Simpsons, Family Guy, And *gulp* sometimes South Park. But, lest you think I'm totally weird- I do like 'normal' comedies like Scrubs! I really can't place it, but mostly it's because they will poke fun at anybody or anything.

My parting thought- from Family Guy yesterday:
"Lois- you know you can't spell overreact without ovary!"

*Legal mumbo-jumbo- "The Simpsons" TM and copyright are owned by FOX and its related companies. "Family Guy" is a registered trademark of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. Image illustrated by Paul ter Voorde
**The views expressed by animated characters in the blog may not reflect those of the blog owner or management.


BusyMommy said...

You're goofy, you know that, right?

Chris G said...

Yes- but I'm ok with it.

hobbitsister said...

i don't know if it's because i'm a girl, or because i'm too old, but i don't get these shows. i'm glad you enjoy them, though.

Chris G said...

Well- must be the girl thing- because I know you are not old!

hobbitsister said...

well, it's clear melilot hasn't hacked into chris's blog...

chelleybutton said...

hehe :)

I like The Simpsons (have you seen the movie?), but I've seen very little of The Family Guy, and South Park is a bit much for me -- but I do like some of the songs on the movie soundtrack, I'm embarrassed to say (like "Blame Canada," for example -- I wonder if Kimberly's heard it;)

hobbitsister said...

"blame canada" is a great song. i remember robin williams singing it at the oscars one year.