Saturday, September 8, 2007

Silly law enforcement officers...

Ok... I've been stopped dozens of times in my life. I have been given exactly 3 tickets: 1 speeding, 1 coasting stop, and 1 for a burned out headlight. I'll preface this by saying I delivered papers overnight in a small town (suburbs really of where Hobbit Sister lives), and the cops were bored. Like when I got a new car and the temporary license in the window. I was stopped every night for a week by the same officer- to see if it had expired yet...uh- not yet. Or the time I was followed for 6 miles (Busy was with me that time) I delivered 10 papers in that time, plus dropped some off at a business. Then, when I was stopped, the officer asked what I was doing. Hmm- delivering papers (not to mention he had checked the back seat where 300 papers were stacked. Or the officer that watched me toss papers up to a school- stopped me and asked if I just threw out a bag of trash. No- delivering papers like the LAST time you asked me. Once I was driving Busy's brother's car (HRH's Mom's Husband...confused yet?!?). The officer stopped me and the first thing he said was "Your not B!" He didn't even tell me why he stopped me...just let me go. There was also the time our Ford Tempo aka the biggest pile of junk that ever lived, blew up. Every light went out- and the breaks totally failed. It was 2 am- we were almost home- so I drove VERY slowly home to change cars. Of course we got stopped, and I couldn't stop. We rolled for a block, till I finally bumped a curb... Officer laughed at me because he though I was a drunk- then escorted me home. Ah yes... my criminal past.


hobbitsister said...

once again, tax dollars at work.

i was ticketed once ($100!) for having expired tabs. it was the 10th of the month, and when i mentioned the 10 day grace period, the cop said, "but now the offices are closed. you can't get new tabs today." it was 6:05 p.m.
seriously - expired tabs? i know the law is the law, but was i really a threat to public safety?

BusyMommy said...

You know you are. Just admit it.

BusyMommy said...

Plus, Chris is a scary driver who just hasn't been caught as often as he should have been:P (Its okay, he knows.)

chelleybutton said...

What a coincidence! I used to have a tempo, and its name was p.o.c. ;)

chelleybutton said...

I know I wrote another (longer) comment, but I don't see it... darn this p.o.c. computer! ... :)

chelleybutton said...

I have a good cop story (not sure if this is what I posted before, but anyway): I got stopped for speeding on my way home from work 2 years ago. I was going 81 in a 55 zone, and the cop didn't lower the number. This was a Friday. The following Tuesday, I had a speech referral for his son... and saw the son for the rest of the year. (He usually wasn't there -- it was usually just the very friendly mom -- but when he was, it was sooo awkward!!)

BusyMommy said...

When I worked at a gas station my favorite cop was the one who had given "the stallion" a ticket for running a stop sign. They SOOOO didn't get along:)

chelleybutton said...

lol... I wouldn't get along either! Who tickets people for running stop signs anyway?? (yes, I got one too;)