Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Customer Service

When did the art of customer service die? Yesterday we went to Walmart* to do a little grocery shopping and pick up a few miscellaneous household items. M, being 6, wanted to wear his new Transformer costume. Busy, being the coolest mom ever, let him. After the boys were saints the whole trip, I managed to pick the S L O W E S T cashier ever. I am not exaggerating, embellishing, or over stating this at all. it took her 20 minutes to check us out...a high estimate would be 50 items in our cart (24 seconds per item for those that care). She painstakingly bagged things as not to crush them... stared at the belt for her next target...and repeated. The she had the nerve, the NERVE, to rudely ask if Busy had taken the tags off the costume. Busy, every so nicely said no- I bought that at Target** a week ago. Cece*** then GLARED at Busy, then M, then Busy...and muttered something about stealing. By this point the boys were hungry...so being, as aforementioned, an awesome mom, Busy gave them some crackers that had already been scanned- more GLARES from Cece (note- she was still scanning items during the costume and cracker incidents). Finally she finished...Busy started for the car while I paid. I had put my card away- having swiped it 20+ minutes ago. She glared again, and added- keep your card OUT! I smiled, and took it back out of my wallet. She then lectured me on the fact that my signature was wearing off. I offered her my drivers license... with a reply of, There is no NEED sir. Like I was the rude person here. Blah- find some charm...or don't work in public.

*Walmart now claims- "Pay Less Live Better" This does not apply to in store life.
**We really love Target- free advertising plug!!
***Cece's name WAS NOT changed to protect the innocent. She was no such thing.


hobbitsister said...

i love target, too. their customer service has always exceeded that of their discount store counterparts, imo.
(oh, except for the gift receipt incident)

HR's mom and dad said...

Ha Ha! I totally agree with you, in fact about most Walmart cashiers! B and I are watching that documentary about Walmart and have now decided to ban them. I know sometimes they are cheaper, but it is just not worth the mess, and the rudeness. We also don't agree with how they treat their employees. Besides, the Super Target they are building by my house opens in two weeks! I am SO excited! I mean really, who doesn't LOVE Target???

chelleybutton said...

Target's much better than Wal-Mart except that their string cheese costs $1.50 more... but I've had a similar experience (not quite as bad) at Target actually! with a cashier there -- maybe they're just having really bad days, I dunno (but the stealing comment was really bad!)... still, there's that verse that autoemlinda's always quoting in her email signature -- something about blessing and praying for and doing good to those who hurt you, etc. NOT easy (at least for me;)...

Kimberly said...

We finally went to Target this weekend (first time!) and it is a fund store, but kind of dingy- I expected it to be better put together, but anyways, we had a REALLY nice cashier, he came and asked us if he could help us, and then helped us find something and then put us through. It was rather quiet in the store though, so maybe he was bored, but he had a really nice smile.

BusyMommy said...

I hate it when people are crabby at my kids for no reason.

chelleybutton said...

your first time at Target?? Wow!

Kimberly said...

they don't have Target here. Sad!

chelleybutton said...

You guys have Sears but no Target??! Crazy... ;)