Friday, March 20, 2009

Reasons I only had 4 blog posts in 2008...

With this post, I've now posted half as many times as last year!

1: Read the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan (11 books, average 800+ pages each) Pesky author died before finishing book 12... so the new guy better be good!

2: Been in school... 18 months, straight A record!

3: Laziness. I've mentioned my talent in this area before...

4: Acceleration of time. Thinking Nobel Prize if I can prove this one...

5: Winged Monkey Attack. (or M & Z... )

I can make up more... but it's late, and I should go to bed before Busy gets grumpy that the light is on still...


BusyMommy said...

Should I be more upset than you called me grumpy or that you referred to our children as winged monkeys??? (They get that from your side, BTW.)

HonorMommy said...

Hey I LOVE the Wheel of Time favorite book series actually--I've read the whole series three times. I am VERY disappointed that Robert Jordan died before finishing it!

chelleybutton said...

How do you have time to read all these books multiple times but never time to read HP once, HM?? Hmph. :P That is annoying & sad that he died before finishing them though -- I can't imagine if JKR had done that before finishing HP!

I don't think I remembered you were going to school, Chris. Or is that one of the items you made up? (doesn't sound like the others though;) What are you going to school for?

Chris G said...

No- it isn't made up. Currently, Elementary Ed... but given the state of the AZ school system (ie- massive cuts) I may have to change tracks temporarly.

BusyMommy said...

I tried to read the Wheel of Time books, but I can't lay on my stomach and the books are so thick that I can't hold them up for long.