Wednesday, March 25, 2009

To the ... less intellegent in the workplace

List of things you should not do at work:

  • Mess with the settings on someones chair for no good reason

  • Flush, or attempt to flush, entire rolls of unused toilet paper

  • Not call facilities when the ice machine is broken, but complain it hasn't worked in a week

  • Touch the backroom TV, including:

  1. Unscrewing the coaxial cable (which requires using a chair as it is up high) presumably to improve reception... not sure

  2. Touch the volume/channel buttons (which are covered with a sticker that says do not touch)

  3. Remove the 'do not touch sticker' so you can touch what it says not to

  • Burn your popcorn to a cinder, then be too embarrassed to admit it and leave it in the microwave

  • Delete an entire month from a team calendar, and not tell anyone

  • Order a case (24) cartridges for a printer (last October) that will be junked (last December) The junk date was known... just discovered the ink in a locked drawer

  • Leave open packages of coffee, cookies, sugar, whatever, under the sign in the break room that warns against such practice as it attracts ants.

  • Call facilities 27 times in one week to report ants. (really not exaggerating here...)

Want to know the really sad part? Besides all being true, they all happened TODAY.


BusyMommy said...

I'm sorry that you are surrounded by idiots. At least you have the remote;P

BusyMommy said...

You are so NOT Dwight, either. You are like a cross between Dwight and Jim, but more a Jim than a Dwight. :D

chelleybutton said...

I don't really work in what I see as a typical "office," so I love hearing stories like this b/c they remind of of the show. (so I guess that's the plus to all this -- you get to tell stories on your blog that make Office fans smile:)