Thursday, July 12, 2007

Whipped Cream

Kudos!! to the man who invented whipped cream. Face it...only a guy would say- hey, lets squeeze the underside of a cow, and then throw what comes out into a bowl. Oh, I know, we should add tons of sugar and beat the heck out of it and see what happens. I half think the entire product was the result of a bar bet on who would eat what. Ever hear those Real Men of Genius commercials? This could be one of those. Don't get me wrong- I have asked for gingerbread with obscene amounts of whipped cream, and been know to eat spray whip cream right out of the can. Being quite the nerd, I did Google who invented whip cream, and I liked this answer:

... [maybe it was] someone on horseback is carrying a half full container of cream and riding fast -
which partially whips the cream.

But, the world may never know...


BusyMommy said...

You actually googled that? Seek help. No, really. Seek help. (And, yes, I picked up more whipped cream at the store:)

chelleybutton said...

I love those "Real Men of Genius" commercials :))

hobbitsister said...

are those the beer commercials with the background singer guy?

Chris G said...

Yes, those are the ones.

hobbitsister said...

i love them!