Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Proof natural selection does not work...

I stopped at Starbucks this morning to buy coffee for the office. Happily holding my corporate card I ordered 2 of the 10 cup 'to-go' containers. The really happy (or overly caffeinated...) worker told me it would take 20-30 minutes. A little perplexed I asked what would happen if I ordered 10 cups of regular black coffee. She, still quite perky mind you) informed me that she would fill my order right away. So... with my sarcasm bubbling over I asked if she would do that, then pour them into the 'to go' box for me. Bigger smile still... think she missed my sarcasm... said- no, but if you want a to go box it'll be 20 minutes. Then, when I though she could sink no lower, she mimed holding a phone- and said- Sir..(Am I that old??) You need to call first for those big orders. I assume if you are at work at 6:30 am at a COFFEE place you are awake. I also know that if you order a *deep breath* Super-Half caff-Skim-double shot-extra foam-with sprinkles-and whipped cream-to-go- you'll get just she can handle complex directions. Why, oh why, then can't she see that in fact 10 cups of coffee is the same volume no matter the container... of course I have been party to a McDs worker insisting they don't have half dozen nuggets- just packs of 6. And- Hobbit sisters (in)famous medium/large pizza debate. Which brings to mind the fact that once a Wendy's worker sold us a small fry every time Z said 'French fries' while BusyMommy was ordering. The total comes up, and the nice, again really happy, person reads "that's 15 small fries, 2 drinks... “I shudder to think I have to drive next to these people on my way home... Well, at the last street red was for Stop... but here it must mean go. See my previous blog on office coffee, and maybe that'll explain why I was in the mood for some 'real' coffee this morning. *notes how very accurate the title 'Random Ramblings has become..."


hobbitsister said...

many, many times i have wondered how certain people manage to operated motor vehicles
(and the small french fries, please, story remains one of my all-time favorites)

BusyMommy said...

I remember when you argued with the pizza guy, hobbitsister. He kept say "we don't have medium, we have small, large and extra-large" and you were like "then the one in the middle would be a medium one, right?" and after you went on and on with him I remember thinking "I am so not eating that pizza" 'cause you know he spit on it.

BusyMommy said...

And I worked at McDonalds, so shove it.

BusyMommy said...

You should have mimed called her back and ordered the coffee while you were standing there.

chelleybutton said...

lol, you should be a stand-up comedian, Chris. ...And I have another story to add: McD's used to put fudge on the bottom AND the top of their sundaes. Then they switched to only the top, so the ice cream on the bottom didn't get any fudge! So I asked if they could split it to put some on the bottom and some on the top. They said that'd cost extra. I said I wanted the same amount of fudge, but just to put half the amount on the bottom and half the amount on the top. Sure. That'll be an extra charge. Why don't they get it?? And then they make you feel like you're the idiot...

(Oh, and I used to work at Domino's -- was it that pizza place, by any chance?)

BusyMommy said...

IT WAS DOMINOES! You are so smart! And I would have just given you the extra fudge. (Even after they switched I made them the old way. Well, actually, I would fill it half-way with ice-cream and then add half the fudge and then finish filling it and put the rest of the fudge on top. Try getting anyone else to do it that way! They will probably charge you for the extra fudge and the extra ice-cream.)

chelleybutton said...

you should work at a Des Moines McD's :) ...or work your way up to management so you can change some of their policies! (I also vote for EVERY McD's having twist ice cream cones! It's dumb that they switched to only vanilla, and lots haven't switched back!)

hobbitsister said...

i admit, i was being just as annoying as the pizza guy - i know he wasn't the one who decided a medium pizza should be called a large.

Chris G said...

Plus- you can't fix dumb... but you can have fun with it!

BusyMommy said...

I do have fun with you, baby;P