Thursday, April 2, 2009

Boys and Toys...

The State Department on Thursday sent a blunt, public message to North Korea: Don't launch your missile.

Seriously? I can picture this. The N Korean government gets this memo... and thinks, Oh, since they SAID not to, we shouldn't. Or maybe they'll think that the message meant a different missile.

I guess our diplomats need to attend preschool, and discover that this doesn't work.

This tiny nation wants attention... and we are giving it to them. I don't advocate ignoring temper tantrums, but then again sometimes that works.

Don't get me wrong, I understand that a crazy dictator with a missile that can hit Los Angeles is a big deal, but if it were really a threat it wouldn't be in the news.

If the government ran like a preschool, we just might be in better shape!


BusyMommy said...

Did the government ever give them a gold star for NOT shooting missiles? Maybe they just need to put the missiles on top of the fridge for time-out.

Chris G said...

Yes...North Korea needs a discipline.

Chris G said...

Now- see, they launched it anyway...

BusyMommy said...

I saw that. Now they really need a discipline. No supper for you NK...