Thursday, April 24, 2008

How Busy almost died...

We were sitting at Taco Bell and Z was in a typically Z-ish mood. He looked at the stroller, and the following is what transpired:

Z: What's that?
Me: A stroller
Z: What's that?
Me: A stroller
Z: What's that?
Me: A stroller
Z: What's that?
Me: A monkey.
Z: No- see, it's a stroller, it has a frog, and a bear and wheels...
Me: N0- it's a monkey
Z: Monkey noises.....
Me (under my breath toward Busy) Well, really- he's more machine than monkey now. We have the technology- we can rebuild him. shnanananananananananana

Busy: Almost chocked to death on her chalupa laughing so hard

M&Z: Repeated the shnananananana-s

Me, at random all this week: He's more machine than monkey now...

Weird :)


BusyMommy said...

You are so strange, but I love that you can crack me up after all these years:P

hobbitsister said...

i love z's logic - if it has a frog, a bear, and wheels, it must be a stroller :)

Chris G said...

No, M-O-N-K-E-Y! . lol