Saturday, April 26, 2008

After dying why Busy almost became a murderer!

Today we had H over to play with M & Z. Busy had to run a few errands, and I volunteered to watch the kid-lings. Busy called on her cell, and all heck was breaking loose. Z was leaping from love seat to couch in a batman mask vanquishing evil-doers as he flew. Busy chuckled at me having to deal with. FLASH FORWARD 45 minutes. Busy arrives home. There is... SILENCE. Yes, I put managed to put all three to sleep. The look Busy gave was one of three things: Admiration, disbelief, or pure spitefulness. :)

*legal disclaimer- all sleep was natural, no chemicals, physical devices, or bribes were used.


BusyMommy said...

They NEVER all sleep for me! It is just NOT FAIR:(

Kimberly said...

that's just how it always works! (now, of course, you just make Chris babysit more often because he is SO good at it!)

Chris G said...

Ask hobbit sister... used to do that in nursery too ;)

hobbitsister said...

i'd love to know the secret to getting kids to sleep

hobbitsister said...

he also made my daughter cry

Chris G said...

No, YOU made her cry- you left without saying good-bye.

And she *sob sob sob* would never *sob sob* see *sob* her mother *sob sob sob* again!

hobbitsister said...

that was the other daughter (and i said good-bye - i just forgot to wave).
i meant the one who was told not to climb on the house

Chris G said...

Oh, yes...I dared to use her FULL NAME in a slightly stern voice...still feel bad about that one :)

hobbitsister said...

april, chris? you're worse than i am.