Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Why I love Busy :)

Read this post from her blog :D


Kimberly said...

Sorry Chris, I couldn't get the link to work.

chelleybutton said...

too bad, kim -- it was hilarious! (and i can relate, busy:)

Kimberly said...

Got it to work this time. Not all of the link showed up but it did when I popped it into IE. Apparently Firefox is having problems with text wrapping.

Chris G said...

Oh good! Funny- I use FireFox most of the time, Busy uses IE. Still makes me laugh- great story!

chelleybutton said...

They recommend Firefox for Macs -- is that what you have? B/c mine drives me crazy at times! Especially since I feel like it should be better b/c of all the hype about no viruses & all that... anyway, I digress... yes, it was a great story :) ...sorry you had to experience it, busy, but at least you can look back and laugh now (and entertain;)

Chris G said...

Nope... not a Mac fan. I just find FireFox runs faster and cleanr compared to IE.

chelleybutton said...

ic... yet another non-mac user... sorry, i need to stop complaining as it's free through work...