Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Observations from a bus stop...

I left a little later than usual today- and happend to see the kids that wait for the bus at the enterance to our apartment complex. These are older kids...middle school I think. There was 1, yes ONE parent there. We live on a very busy street- sadly I'm guessing it's not that parents can't be there- it's they won't be. I did notice one very wonderful sight though... as the bus pulled up one dad hugged his son good bye... better still- the son initiated the hug!


BusyMommy said...

It is scary how fast kids can get into trouble. Seems irresponsible to ditch them at the bus stop by themselves. And I'm glad you hug our boys, too:)

hobbitsister said...

i'm assuming you meant 'see' instead of 'seek'
i have to admit, as a mom to middle-schoolers, that this is a tough call. kids that age should be responsible enough to stand at a bus stop by themselves (i walked to school by myself - 3 blocks - when i was in kdg), and i know my kids would want the freedom to do so. however, the world is a scarier place than it was when i was young, and i'd hate to see anything bad happen to those kids.

and yay for the kid hugging his dad! :)

Chris G said...

I agree... but our street is 4 lanes of 50 MPH traffic in the morning- with a 2 and middle school starts at 5th grade here. I'm just a worrier sometimes though :)

HR's mom and dad said...

I agree that road is scary. In your complex the other day when I was coming to pick up H. a little boy (about 5) who was alone darted in front of my car, thank goodness I was only going about 5 m.p.h! It made me sad that he was alone and scared that someone else might not have been going so slow.

BusyMommy said...

It bothers me how many kids are out playing by themselves here. It is so sad to see how little attention some of these parents pay to their children.