Saturday, April 26, 2008

After dying why Busy almost became a murderer!

Today we had H over to play with M & Z. Busy had to run a few errands, and I volunteered to watch the kid-lings. Busy called on her cell, and all heck was breaking loose. Z was leaping from love seat to couch in a batman mask vanquishing evil-doers as he flew. Busy chuckled at me having to deal with. FLASH FORWARD 45 minutes. Busy arrives home. There is... SILENCE. Yes, I put managed to put all three to sleep. The look Busy gave was one of three things: Admiration, disbelief, or pure spitefulness. :)

*legal disclaimer- all sleep was natural, no chemicals, physical devices, or bribes were used.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

How Busy almost died...

We were sitting at Taco Bell and Z was in a typically Z-ish mood. He looked at the stroller, and the following is what transpired:

Z: What's that?
Me: A stroller
Z: What's that?
Me: A stroller
Z: What's that?
Me: A stroller
Z: What's that?
Me: A monkey.
Z: No- see, it's a stroller, it has a frog, and a bear and wheels...
Me: N0- it's a monkey
Z: Monkey noises.....
Me (under my breath toward Busy) Well, really- he's more machine than monkey now. We have the technology- we can rebuild him. shnanananananananananana

Busy: Almost chocked to death on her chalupa laughing so hard

M&Z: Repeated the shnananananana-s

Me, at random all this week: He's more machine than monkey now...

Weird :)

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Hats off

This morning we received a letter on our door from a member of our apartment complex. They were complaining about recent events, specifically cars being towed, and stating their concerns about management. Busy and I have had issues with the management change as well... for reasons we still don't understand. My thoughts are just this, good for you random person who distributed this, you actually did something. Further more, it wasn't a nasty complaining rant- it had real and substantial statements. The even started a blog for residents to discuss their letter... we'll see.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


An injury sustained by not stretching before playing games on a Wii. These injuries affect more adults than children, and cause laughing and pointing in those who hear about them.